

This project has been "soft-abandoned," because it turns out (perhaps unsurprisingly) that less-for-Windows has the same limitations as Perl-for-Windows with respect to color control codes, and there are really no other suitable pagers. I would consider resuming work on this, were a decent Windows-native pager to appear; if you know something I don't, please open an issue!

pwsh-diff aims to serve as a PowerShell-based alternative to diff-highlight (and, eventually, diff-so-fancy) on Windows, because Perl and Windows don't seem to get along when it comes to ANSI coloring.


Make sure you have PowerShell Core (pwsh.exe) in your PATH somewhere. Then, copy the pwsh-diff script to a directory in your PATH. That's it!


Configure Git to use pwsh-git for all diff/log output:

git config --global core.pager "pwsh-diff | less --tabs=4 -RFX"

Improved colors

pwsh-diff will read the same color settings expected by diff-highlight, and it depends on Git itself to colorize everything besides the lines with highlighted bits. The following options are recommended:

git config --global color.ui true

git config --global color.diff-highlight.oldNormal    "red bold"
git config --global color.diff-highlight.oldHighlight "red bold 52"
git config --global color.diff-highlight.newNormal    "green bold"
git config --global color.diff-highlight.newHighlight "green bold 22"

git config --global color.diff.old "red bold"
git config --global color.diff.new "green bold"


Much of the requisite logic has been adapted directly from the aforementioned diff-highlight and diff-so-fancy.