path: root/themes/src/light
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'themes/src/light')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/themes/src/light/elementary.ts b/themes/src/light/elementary.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7035df7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/src/light/elementary.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+import * as path from 'path';
+import { generateTheme, IColorSet } from 'vscode-theme-generator';
+const themeName = 'Elementary';
+const colors = {
+ white: '#FFFFFF',
+ cyan: '#008080',
+ red: '#ff0000',
+ green: '#00b300',
+ ubuntuOrange: '#e95420',
+ titleBarGray: '#dcdcdc',
+ inactiveTitleBarGray: '#ececec',
+ titleBarText: '#5e5e5e',
+ titleBarTextInactive: '#848484',
+ menuGray: '#f5f5f5',
+ menuSelectionGray: '#d6d6d6',
+ bodyGray: '#eff0f1',
+ editorGray: '#2f2f2f',
+ sideBarGray: '#e2e2e2',
+ highlightGray: '#cccccc',
+ commentGray: '#8c8c8c',
+ textGray: '#5e5e5e',
+ textSelectionGray: '#92a2a0',
+ ubuntuWarmGray: '#aea79f',
+ editorBackground: '#fdf6e3',
+ editorGutter: '#eee8d5',
+ lineNumberGray: '#93a1a1',
+ tabsBackground: '#fbefce',
+ tabsBorder: '#e9d18d',
+ activityBarGray: '#d1d1d1',
+ syntaxOrange: '#cb5226',
+ syntaxGold: '#b78e1d',
+ syntaxTeal: '#49b8b9',
+ syntaxLightGray: '#aab5b1',
+ syntaxLavender: '#727dc9',
+const colorSet: IColorSet = {
+ type: 'light',
+ base: {
+ background: colors.bodyGray,
+ foreground: colors.textGray,
+ color1: colors.textSelectionGray,
+ color2: colors.red,
+ color3: colors.syntaxGold,
+ color4: colors.syntaxTeal,
+ },
+ syntax: {
+ comment: colors.syntaxLightGray,
+ function: colors.syntaxLavender,
+ functionCall: colors.syntaxLavender,
+ keyword: colors.syntaxOrange,
+ markdownQuote: colors.syntaxLightGray,
+ storage: colors.syntaxOrange,
+ },
+ terminal: {
+ black: '#586e75',
+ red: '#cb4b16',
+ green: '#859900',
+ yellow: '#b58900',
+ blue: '#268bd2',
+ magenta: '#d33682',
+ cyan: '#2aa198',
+ white: '#eeeeee',
+ brightBlack: '#073642',
+ brightRed: '#dc322f',
+ brightGreen: '#859900',
+ brightYellow: '#b58900',
+ brightBlue: '#268bd2',
+ brightMagenta: '#ec0048',
+ brightCyan: '#2aa198',
+ brightWhite: '#94a3a5',
+ },
+ ui: {
+ invisibles: colors.tabsBorder,
+ findMatchHighlight: colors.menuSelectionGray,
+ findRangeHighlight: colors.menuSelectionGray,
+ guide: colors.tabsBorder,
+ rangeHighlight: colors.menuSelectionGray,
+ selection: colors.textSelectionGray,
+ selectionHighlight: colors.menuSelectionGray,
+ },
+ overrides: {
+ 'activityBar.background': colors.activityBarGray,
+ 'activityBar.foreground': colors.textGray,
+ // 'debugToolBar.background': colors.white,
+ 'dropdown.background': colors.menuGray,
+ 'editor.background': colors.editorBackground,
+ 'editorCursor.foreground': colors.textGray,
+ 'editorGroupHeader.tabsBackground': colors.tabsBackground,
+ 'editorGroupHeader.tabsBorder': colors.tabsBorder,
+ 'editorGutter.background': colors.editorGutter,
+ 'editorHoverWidget.background': colors.tabsBackground,
+ 'editorIndentGuide.activeBackground': colors.textSelectionGray,
+ 'editorLineNumber.foreground': colors.lineNumberGray,
+ 'editorMarkerNavigation.background': colors.tabsBackground,
+ 'editorRuler.foreground': colors.tabsBorder,
+ 'editorSuggestWidget.background': colors.tabsBackground,
+ 'editorWidget.background': colors.tabsBackground,
+ 'input.background': colors.menuGray,
+ 'list.activeSelectionBackground': colors.textSelectionGray,
+ 'list.hoverBackground': colors.highlightGray,
+ 'list.inactiveSelectionBackground': colors.highlightGray,
+ 'menu.background': colors.menuGray,
+ 'menu.selectionBackground': colors.menuSelectionGray,
+ 'menu.selectionForeground': colors.textGray,
+ // 'menubar.selectionBackground': colors.white,
+ // 'menubar.selectionForeground': colors.textGray,
+ 'panel.background': colors.tabsBackground,
+ 'panel.border': colors.tabsBorder,
+ 'peekViewEditor.background': colors.tabsBackground,
+ 'peekViewResult.background': colors.tabsBackground,
+ 'peekViewTitle.background': colors.tabsBackground,
+ 'sideBar.background': colors.sideBarGray,
+ 'sideBarSectionHeader.background': colors.activityBarGray,
+ // 'statusBar.background': colors.white,
+ // 'statusBar.debuggingForeground': colors.white,
+ 'statusBar.foreground': colors.textGray,
+ 'tab.activeBorder': colors.editorBackground,
+ 'tab.border': colors.tabsBorder,
+ 'tab.inactiveBackground': colors.tabsBackground,
+ 'tab.inactiveBorder': colors.tabsBorder,
+ // 'tab.unfocusedInactiveBackground': colors.bodyGray,
+ 'terminal.background': '#252e32',
+ 'terminal.foreground': '#94a3a5',
+ 'titleBar.activeBackground': colors.titleBarGray,
+ 'titleBar.activeForeground': colors.titleBarText,
+ 'titleBar.inactiveBackground': colors.inactiveTitleBarGray,
+ 'titleBar.inactiveForeground': colors.titleBarTextInactive,
+ }
+var fileName = themeName
+ .toLowerCase()
+ .replace(/\[\w*\]/, '')
+ .trim()
+ .replace(/\s+/, '-') + '.json';
+generateTheme(themeName, colorSet, path.join(__dirname, fileName)); \ No newline at end of file