# Linux Themes for Visual Studio Code ## An integrated color theme for the most popular Linux GTK themes These VS Code themes integrate seamlessly with your GTK themes to provide a more integrated experience. ![Screenshot 1](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SolarLiner/vscode-arc-theme/master/res/Screenshot%20from%202017-05-14%2013-45-06.png) ![Screenshot 2](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SolarLiner/vscode-arc-theme/master/res/Capture%20d'%C3%A9cran%20de%202017-07-05%2023-01-01.png) For the Arc theme, the syntax coloring is the default VS Code one. For Adapta, it is taken from [Mattia Astorino's great Material Theme](https://github.com/equinusocio/vsc-material-theme) (an alternative to this Adapta theme!) I created those themes myself to suit my needs - I hope you wil like it too! ### Download The extension is hosted on the [Visual Studio Code Marketplace](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SolarLiner.arc-theme). * Drop to terminal and write the following: ```bash code --install-extension solarliner.linux-themes ``` * Alternatively, search for *Linux Themes* inside of VS Code. * Finally, you can also hit ```F1```, clear the angled bracket and type ```ext install linux-themes```. ### Changelog * v0.3.0: * Directly included tokenColors from default Dark and Dark+ themes. * v0.2.0: * Changed base syntax coloring to VS Dark+ * Made selection highlight more visible * v0.1.0: * README.md updates ### TODO * [x] Finish Arc Dark * [x] Complete set of syntax coloring * [ ] Create Light version * [ ] Create Night version (with darker colors) * [ ] Create Darker version * [x] Complete Adapta version with material syntax ## Follow development ### Contribute Head over to the [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/SolarLiner/vscode-arc-theme) to contribute. **Enjoy!**