diff options
1 files changed, 342 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pwsh-diff b/pwsh-diff
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bf10324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pwsh-diff
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
+param (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][string[]]$input
+$VERSION = "0.1.0"
+$COLOR_REGEX = "\x1b\[[0-9;]*m"
+class HighlightTheme {
+ [string]$NormalColor
+ [string]$HighlightColor
+class LinePair {
+ [string]$RemovedLine
+ [string]$AddedLine
+class Hunk {
+ [string[]]$RemovedLines
+ [string[]]$AddedLines
+function New-Hunk {
+ return [Hunk]@{
+ RemovedLines = @()
+ AddedLines = @()
+ }
+function Get-Color {
+ param (
+ [string]$str
+ )
+ if (!$str -or $str -eq "reset") {
+ return "`e[0m";
+ }
+ # Replace named colors with numeric colors
+ $color_hash = @{
+ "red" = "160";
+ "blue" = "21";
+ "green" = "34";
+ "yellow" = "226";
+ "orange" = "214";
+ "purple" = "98";
+ "white" = "15";
+ "black" = "0";
+ }
+ foreach ($color in $color_hash.GetEnumerator()) {
+ $str = $str -Replace $color.Name, $color.Value
+ }
+ # Extract foreground, background, and command
+ $match = Select-String -InputObject $str -Pattern "(\d+)?_?(\w+)?" `
+ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches `
+ | Select-Object -First 1
+ if ($match.Groups) {
+ $fg = $match.Groups[1].Value
+ $cmd = $match.Groups[2].Value
+ }
+ $match = Select-String -InputObject $str -Pattern "on_?(\d+)" `
+ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches `
+ | Select-Object -First 1
+ if ($match.Groups) {
+ $bg = $match.Groups[1].Value
+ }
+ if ($cmd) {
+ # Convert named commands to numeric commands
+ $cmd_hash = @{
+ "bold" = "1";
+ "italic" = "3";
+ "underline" = "4";
+ "blink" = "5";
+ "inverse" = "7";
+ }
+ foreach ($command in $cmd_hash.GetEnumerator()) {
+ $cmd = $cmd -Replace $command.Name, $command.Value
+ }
+ }
+ # Build ANSI sequence
+ $seq = "";
+ if ($cmd) {
+ $seq += "`e[$cmd`m"
+ }
+ if ($fg) {
+ $seq += "`e[38;5;$fg`m"
+ }
+ if ($bg) {
+ $seq += "`e[48;5;$bg`m"
+ }
+ return $seq
+# Fetch a text item from the git config
+function Get-GitConfigItem {
+ param (
+ [string]$key
+ )
+ return $(git config --get "$key")
+# Fetch a boolean item from the git config
+function Get-GitConfigBoolean {
+ param (
+ [string]$key
+ )
+ $text = Get-GitConfigItem $key
+ if ($text -and $text -eq "true") {
+ return $true
+ } else {
+ return $false
+ }
+function Get-VisibleString {
+ param (
+ [string]$str
+ )
+ return $str -Replace $COLOR_REGEX, ""
+# Count the visible width of a string, excluding any terminal color sequences.
+function Measure-VisibleWidth {
+ param (
+ [string]$str
+ )
+ $str = Get-VisibleString $str
+ return $str.Length
+# Return a substring of $str, omitting $len visible characters from the
+# beginning, where terminal color sequences do not count as visible.
+function Get-VisibleSubString {
+ param (
+ [string]$str,
+ [int]$len
+ )
+ $str = Get-VisibleString $str
+ return $str.Substring(0, $len)
+function Split-Line {
+ param (
+ [string]$line
+ )
+ return $line.ToCharArray()
+ # return Select-String -InputObject $line -Pattern "($COLOR_REGEX|.)" -AllMatches `
+ # | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Value }
+function Set-LineHighlight {
+ param (
+ [string]$line,
+ [int]$prefixEnd,
+ [int]$suffixStart,
+ [HighlightTheme]$theme
+ )
+ $reset = Get-Color "reset"
+ # if ($prefixEnd -gt $suffixStart) {
+ # return -join ("$($theme.NormalColor)", $line, "$reset")
+ # }
+ $prefix = $line.Substring(0, $prefixEnd)
+ $mid = $line.Substring($prefixEnd, $suffixStart - $prefixEnd + 1)
+ $suffix = $line.Substring($suffixStart + 1)
+ return -join ( `
+ "$($theme.NormalColor)", "$prefix", "$reset", `
+ "$($theme.HighlightColor)", "$mid", "$reset", `
+ "$($theme.NormalColor)", "$suffix", "$reset")
+function Set-LinePairHighlight {
+ param (
+ [LinePair]$lines,
+ [HighlightTheme]$removedTheme,
+ [HighlightTheme]$addedTheme
+ )
+ $removedLineVis = Get-VisibleString $lines.RemovedLine
+ $removedLineSplit = Split-Line $(Get-VisibleString $lines.RemovedLine)
+ $addedLineVis = Get-VisibleString $lines.AddedLine
+ $addedLineSplit = Split-Line $(Get-VisibleString $lines.AddedLine)
+ # Find common prefix
+ $r_prefix = 0
+ $a_prefix = 0
+ $plusMinusFound = $false
+ while ($r_prefix -lt $removedLineSplit.Length -and $a_prefix -lt $addedLineSplit.Length) {
+ $r = $removedLineSplit[$r_prefix]
+ $a = $addedLineSplit[$a_prefix]
+ if ($r -ceq $a) {
+ $r_prefix++
+ $a_prefix++
+ } elseif (!$plusMinusFound -and $r -eq "-" -and $a -eq "+") {
+ $r_prefix++
+ $a_prefix++
+ $plusMinusFound = $true
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ # Find common suffix
+ $r_suffix = $removedLineSplit.Length - 1
+ $a_suffix = $addedLineSplit.Length - 1
+ while ($r_suffix -ge $r_prefix -and $a_suffix -ge $a_prefix) {
+ $r = $removedLineSplit[$r_suffix]
+ $a = $addedLineSplit[$a_suffix]
+ if ($r -ceq $a) {
+ $r_suffix--
+ $a_suffix--
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ $removedLineHighlight = Set-LineHighlight $removedLineVis $r_prefix $r_suffix $removedTheme
+ $addedLineHighlight = Set-LineHighlight $addedLineVis $a_prefix $a_suffix $addedTheme
+ return [LinePair]@{
+ RemovedLine = $removedLineHighlight
+ AddedLine = $addedLineHighlight
+ }
+function Set-HunkHighlight {
+ param (
+ [Hunk]$hunk,
+ [HighlightTheme]$removedTheme,
+ [HighlightTheme]$addedTheme
+ )
+ if (!$hunk.RemovedLines -or !$hunk.AddedLines) {
+ return $hunk
+ }
+ if ($hunk.RemovedLines.Count -ne $hunk.AddedLines.Count) {
+ return $hunk
+ }
+ $retHunk = New-Hunk
+ $i = 0
+ while ($i -lt $hunk.RemovedLines.Count) {
+ $pair = [LinePair]@{
+ RemovedLine = $hunk.RemovedLines[$i]
+ AddedLine = $hunk.AddedLines[$i]
+ }
+ $pair = Set-LinePairHighlight $pair $removedTheme $addedTheme
+ $retHunk.RemovedLines += $pair.RemovedLine
+ $retHunk.AddedLines += $pair.AddedLine
+ $i++
+ }
+ return $retHunk
+function Write-Hunk {
+ param (
+ [Hunk]$hunk
+ )
+ foreach ($line in $hunk.RemovedLines) {
+ Write-Output $line
+ }
+ foreach ($line in $hunk.AddedLines) {
+ Write-Output $line
+ }
+$addedTheme = [HighlightTheme]@{
+ NormalColor = Get-Color "39"
+ HighlightColor = Get-Color "39 on_4"
+$removedTheme = [HighlightTheme]@{
+ NormalColor = Get-Color "13"
+ HighlightColor = Get-Color "13 on_5"
+$inHunk = $false
+$hunk = New-Hunk
+foreach ($line in $input) {
+ if (!$inHunk) {
+ Write-Output $line
+ $inHunk = $line -match "^($COLOR_REGEX)*@@"
+ } elseif ($line -match "^($COLOR_REGEX)*-") {
+ $hunk.RemovedLines += $line
+ } elseif ($line -match "^($COLOR_REGEX)*\+") {
+ $hunk.AddedLines += $line
+ } else {
+ # This is the flush
+ $hunk = Set-HunkHighlight $hunk $removedTheme $addedTheme
+ foreach ($r_line in $hunk.RemovedLines) {
+ Write-Output $r_line
+ }
+ foreach ($a_line in $hunk.AddedLines) {
+ Write-Output $a_line
+ }
+ $hunk = New-Hunk
+ # End of flush
+ Write-Output $line
+ $inHunk = $line -match "^($COLOR_REGEX)*[\@ ]"
+ }